
5 Signs Your Boyfriend Is A Narcissist

Want to know if your boyfriend is a narcissist? Check out the following typical traits of a narcissist and decide for yourself if you’re in love with one of them.


1. He loves talking about himself

A narcissist is a conversation hoarder, they love talking about themselves or you talking about them. He always dominates the conversation even when it’s about you.He thinks of himself as the most interesting person in the world.

2. Your feelings are secondary

A narcissist don’t care about your feelings, they come second theirs. Your feelings, thoughts and ideas are never taken into consideration. He doesn’t give credit where it’s due and they always overlook the god things you do.

3. He is charming and romantic

A narcissist is usually very charming and romantic but only when it’s beneficial to him. He always use his charming skills to win you over or get your attention, all these things are to his advantage.

4. Entitlement

A narcissist always expects things to be doe for them, he loves having preferential treatment. He is not considerate and thinks the world revolves around them.

5. It’s always your fault

When something goes wrong or when he gets angry, it’s always your fault never his. He’s not willing to take responsibility for his mistakes and he’s quick to shift the blame on you.

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