
5 Don’ts Of Business Calls Etiquette

No matter how overwhelming your work can get you always have to keep your calm and remain professional when making or taking business calls. If you have phone phobia write a list of talking points to help you structure the conversation.

Check out our top five most common business call mistakes to avoid.


1.Giving into phone phobia

If you hate making phone calls there are times when it’s just efficient and effective to make a phone call than sending an email. For example when you have to explain nuanced information or when you need to deliver a difficult, sensitive message that can easily be misinterpreted.

2. Leaving long annoying voice calls

Not everyone has the time or patience to a long rambling voice mail. Some people don’t listen to voice messages anymore, they will just call you back and you’ll have to go through everything over again. If you’re leaving a voice-mail message make it quick, your name, your phone number and a brief explanation of the reason for your call.

3. Calling instead of sending an email

If you can deal with the matter in a quick email it will save you time and also allow the person to respond at a convenient moment and not feel pressured to give an immediate response. Pay attention to the norms in your particular office and operate that way.

4. Not picking up cues

There’s nothing more annoying than receiving a business call from someone who doesn’t pick up cues that might suggest you’re busy or need to rush somewhere. Pay attention any of those cues and ask if this is a right time or should you call another time or wrap it up.

5. Leaving a cryptic voice message

Yes you don’t want to leave a long rambling voice message but you also don’t want to leave a message with way too little information either. You might want to brief the person the reason for your call and how urgent it is.

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