
Top 20 Signs She Isn’t Marriage Material

Not every woman you date… hell, not even every woman you fall in love with is someone you want to have for a wife. In this day and age, marriage isn’t really treated as the sacred commitment it once was, but in my opinion, you should still at least make a good college effort to make it last. If you’re really planning on spending the rest of your life with one woman, you better make damn sure she’s the right one.

woman covering ears

Here are our top 20 signs she isn’t marriage material below.

1. She’s Clingy

Let’s start simple, shall we? Everybody wants to be with someone who feels they can’t live without them, but when she takes that too literally, it’s suffocating and it will drive you crazy. Run.

2. She Complains When You Go Out With The Guys

Sticking with the obvious, this is a huge red flag. Not letting you hang with your friends means she wants to be the only person in your life, and that’s a recipe for disaster.

3. She Thinks She Can Change You

Ah, this little nugget is as old as time. She thinks you have potential to be exactly what she wants, and it’s her job to shape you into it. Well, guess what? This has never once, in the entire history of relationships, ever been successful.

4. She’s Jealous

A little jealousy is fine after all, you don’t want her flirting with other dudes, right? But if she flips out every time a woman crosses your field of vision, you’ve got your work cut out for you, my friend.

5. She Doesn’t Trust You

This is really an extension of #4 the truth is, this extends beyond jealousy into something deeper. She wants to know where you are and who you’re with every second of the day, and that’s just not gonna fly. You know what all good relationships are built on, right?

6. She’s Controlling

She only cares about your opinion and tries to force you into agreeing with her. She decides where you go and what you do. Might as well hand over your balls, because you sure as hell aren’t using them.

7. She Has No Confidence

She doesn’t think she’s good enough for anything, not her job, not her friends and not you. It may seem cool to be held up to such a lofty position, but that’s not someone you want as a partner.

8. She Wears A Stud In Her Tongue

Every time I see one of those, I think the same thing: ”That girl has probably had a whole lot of dicks in her mouth.”

9. It’s Your Second Date And She’s Already Talking About Marriage

This girl just wants to get married, period. And she’s not that discerning anymore. She’s not thinking, ”I’m madly in love and want to spend the rest of my life with this guy.” It’s more like, ”He’ll do.”

10. She Doesn’t Get Along With Her Mother

Whatever issues she has, she should’ve worked that shit out by the time she was nineteen. It doesn’t bode well for how she handles close relationships if she can’t manage to get along with her own mother.

11. She Gets Along With Her Mother Too Well

On the opposite side of the coin, if she’s on the phone with her mom five times a day, then she hasn’t grown up enough to get married. You’ll basically be married to your own mother-in-law, and that sounds horrible.

12. She’s Been In A Three-Way With Two Dudes

It would be tough to get that image out of your head. Like a pig on a spit.  And I don’t think it needs to be mentioned, but a three-way with another chick is completely acceptable nay, encouraged.

13. She’s Always Late

Someone once told her she was worth waiting for and boy, did she run with it. She’s making you wait for hours on end as a way of controlling you. If she’s not ready when she says she’s going to be, just leave without her she will definitely break up with you and you’ll be all the better for it.

14. She Talks About How Much She Hates Men

Ah, the man-hater. She’s been dicked over time and time again, or at least that’s her story. She tells you what she loves about you is that you’re different from all the other guys she’s ever been with. But guess what? You’re not.

15. She Thinks She’s Prettier Than She Is

The opposite is so much more attractive. I don’t want a woman telling me how hot she is. That’s my job.

16. The Only Books She Owns Are Self-Help

If one or two didn’t do the trick, it’s most likely a lost cause. Besides, if she doesn’t read, she’s probably not all that interesting, anyway.

17. She Starts To Cry Every Time You Have A Fight

Arguing is normal and healthy in relationships. But she can’t take the heat, so she turns on the waterworks. Then you feel like shit. Congratulations, you can look forward to a lifetime of emotional manipulation.

18. She Tells Her Friends EVERYTHING

Women talk we know this. But there are some things that need to be kept within the confines of the relationship. If you can’t trust her to know where that line is, then you can’t trust her enough to marry her.

19. Her Only Friends Are Dudes

Odds are, there’s a good reason why she doesn’t get along with other women, and it’s probably not their fault. Besides, have you ever had a hot female friend you didn’t want to bang? Didn’t think so.

20. She’s Crazy

This may seem like another obvious one, but crazy chicks are dynamite in the sack, and the way that makes you feel can easily be misconstrued as love. Don’t make excuses for her erratic behavior, just nail her seven or eight times and move on.

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