
Top 10 Productivity Hacks of 2018

As professionals begin 2018 they seek to be more productive. Whatever the outcome of the previous year, you understand that there is room for improvement. Are you looking forward to better work output? Consider these Top 10 Productivity Hacks of 2018.

1. Build up your energy.

Set your goals for each day and week to motivate yourself. When you have a goal to meet you LLC put in the work and energy required.

2. Control your calendar.

Be in control of your calendar and activities that you give your attention to.

3. Know when to delegate and outsource.

Learn which tasks require your input and which can be handled by other properly skilled professionals.

4. Continue with professional development.

Continue with professional development to acquire new skills and perspectives, letting you be more effective.

5. Embrace automation.

If there’s a task you can automate, look into it. It can shrink your to-do list significantly.

6. Assess yourself.

At least once a week, assess your well being. Find solutions and remedies to make yourself feel better.

7. Use templates

Create or download templates for your most commonly used formats and content types to save you time.

8. Save all your documents and files

If you’re working on a long document or report, hit the save button as often as possible.

9. Learn the keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts, are great timesavers and are available in almost every program.

10. Use Excel.

Utilise Microsoft Excel to help you organise and save data and analytics.

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