
Top 5 Reasons to Wash Your Hands

Whether it’s been on health adverts or at clinics,  or maybe in some for of class hand washing has been a priority topic. Our hands carry thousands of bacteria and can transport infections not just to self but to others. It’s important to wash hands after using the toilet, handling wounds, dirt or one’s nose and before handling food. When washing hands one must use soap and water. There is also more to good hand washing hygiene including drying hands after every wash with a dry towel or air dryer. To help prevent or at least reduce the spread of germs, one must understand the reasons for washing hands. Below are five important reasons to wash your hands.

Top 5 Reasons to Wash Your Hands
Top 5 Reasons to Wash Your Hands














1. Although invisible to the eye, germs are everywhere.

2. Germs cause illnesses including foodborne diseases and food poisoning.

3. Washing your hands prevents the spread of germs.

4. Good hand washing habits will save you money on hospital bills

5. Washing your hands can keep you healthy.

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