
15 Great Questions To Ask On A First Date

First dates are nerve wrecking, they can be a nightmare or get awkward really quick. The worst thing that can happen on a first date is to run out of things to talk about. If you can’t have a full on conversation, there’s no future you might as well call it a day and go home.

Man Holding Bite of Desert for Girlfriend

It’s always a good idea to keep it light and fun. Here are some great not so awkward questions to ask on a first date.

1. How was your day?

-It’s always a great way to start a conversation, always showing you are interested in what they have to say.

2. Are you a workaholic?

It doesn’t do no harm to know what you’re getting yourself into.

3. What do you do for fun?

So that you can find out if you have anything in common.

4. What were you like as a kid?

Everyone loves talking about themselves, it will make them feel comfortable.

5. Do you have any nicknames?

Because it can be funny?

6. How many siblings do you have?

Another way of getting to know them more on a personal level.

7. What makes you laugh?

Because you will need to make them laugh at some point.

8. What do you do for a living?

To get an idea of where their life is going, their ambitions and dreams.

9. What’s your dream vacation?

So that you know if you need to work twice as hard.

10. What’s your favorite movie?

You need to know for future plans.

11. Do you like pets/animals?

They might be allergic or may have a phobia.

12. Do you have any pet-peeves?

You get to know what annoys them and what not to do or say around them.

13. Do you like any sport?

Again, you gotta have some things in common.

14. What fact about you surprises people the most?

The answer might be interesting.

15. What’s the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received?

For the future, please don’t buy the exact same gift. It’s for you to have an idea of what they like and what moves them.

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