
How to Pitch Perfect Your Business Idea

Pitching your business idea to an investor can prove to be challenging. There is so much that needs to be done to convince other people to see what you see. Below are five tips on how to pitch perfect your business idea.

How to Pitch Perfect Your Business Idea
How to Pitch Perfect Your Business Idea






1. Prepare and practise

Prior to making your pitch try practicing in front of other people. It could be your friends or colleagues but the idea is to work on your confidence and time.

2. Research on your audience

Find out more about your investor prior to making your pitch.You need to find out about other investments and the successes. You can also find out about things that you can use in your pitch to relate to them. Other important points should include how much time will the investor commit to your business.

3. Less is always more

Take only 10 minutes because if the investors are really interested, they’ll ask questions. Take a minute to five minutes less than the time you have been given. This also helps you to stick to the valid points that you want to pitch.

4.  Tell a Story

Gain your audience’s attention by sharing your story and highlight the ‘why’ perspective of your business.

5. Use simple language

Even if your investor has multiple degrees from ivy league universities you want or keep your pitch simple. Not everybody knows or understands the terminologies used in your sector so you would rather use simple language while preparing your pitch.

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