
Top 3 Things Employers Want To See In Your Social Media Profiles

Recruiters and employees are now using social media to screen potential candidates. We all now know that some photos and status updates can be the deciding factor if we get gt the job or not. But now let’s focus on three things employers and recruiters look for on your social media profiles that can help you get your dream job.

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1. Qualifications

To get an understanding of an applicant’s education and job experience they might look at your LinkedIn profile. They want to know if you possess the abilities and skills to do the job. Employers want to see if the information you’ve listed about your education, experience and previous jobs matches up with what you listed in your resume. Keep your education record, recent jobs, volunteer opportunities you’ve had updated.

2. Engagement

Recruiters look to see if you engage with current events appropriately. They’re looking to see if the candidate will be a good fit with the corporate culture and for this they might use Facebook. Social media sites can give a good idea of who you are and what you can do with the formalities aside.

3. Spellings and Grammar

Double check your grammar and spellings. They also want to see if you’re articulate, intelligent or are you argumentative? Employers will be looking to see how innovative and original you are in what you do online.

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