
The plight of pregnant women in Zimbabwe.

There is no joy for pregnant women in Zim as labour wards have slowly turned into death traps. The economic situation and issues of loadshedding have contributed immensely to the lowering of standards in delivery wards. Pregnant women have to bear the brunt of delivering their babies in dark rooms with little or no lighting especially in rural areas. In most instances, they are asked to bring their own candles and matches and in other circumstances, nurses have to deliver babies using cellphone torches.

The situation in Mashonaland West seems to be worse with expecting mothers being asked to one with their own fuel for generators. Those who need to undergo ceasearen sections are most affected. To make matters even more complicated, fuel is currently scarce in the country and when you finally come across it, is expensive. Major hospitals such as Parirenyatwa and Harare hospital, have shut down their doors and are no longer admitting new patients, making it difficult for pregnant women to be reffered to such palces.

In rural hospitals, there is virtually no food, sanitary wear, baby clamps or water. Pregnant women have to make do with items from home which they also do not have. So dire is the situation in martenity wards, that a large number of women are dying in a daily basis due to delivery complications.

A recent story flighted in the Herald, revealed that a woman died after giving birth to triplets recently. She lost a lot of blood and couple with delays in procuring fuel to take her to a main hospital, she passed away.

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