
Horrific child abuse in Kambuzuma exposed, Mai Titi lashes out at the neighbors.

A recent story on child abuse left tears streaming down the cheeks of many, after it emerged that an innocent 6 year old was suffering at the hands of her parents. The little girl was made to sleep in a fowl run together with chickens in this cold winter. She was severely assaulted on a daily basis with sticks, electrical cables and wooden logs.

The frail looking young girl was being abused by her own biological mother and stepfather. The story was aired on Zbc TV newshour. The child would be left alone by her parents and locked up in the fowl run. Without food or water, she had to survive on handouts from other children who would gather around the fowl run and play with her whilst they were outside the cage.

She was tormented on a daily basis but no one dared report the matter to the police. Ironically, a police station is situated just a few metres from where she was being abused. When news of this horrific treatment was made known to the public, comedian Mai Titi was enraged. She went to Kambuzuma where the story began and found that the child had been taken into the safe custody of child services. The parents had done a runner.

Mai Titi lashed out at the neighbors and asked them why they had not reported the issue to the police. She said it was deplorable to note that those who were supposed to protect the child had turned their backs on her. Mai Titi has been commended for her efforts and most people said it was high time that people speak out against child abuse.

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