
Red Flags You Should Never Ignore In Your Relationship

It’s impossible to wade into the world of dating without occasionally or  spotting some red flags. While these little warning signs don’t necessarily mean the relationship is doomed from the start or beginning to fizzle out, they do mean the two of you probably need to sit down and check in on where it’s going and what each of you wants. Here are five signals that are super easy to accidentally overlook

 Red Flags You Should Never Ignore In Your Relationship
Red Flags You Should Never Ignore In Your Relationship

1. You’re always messaging them first.

And I mean literally always. Sure, he’s super responsive once you start talking, but if you weren’t the one starting conversations, would they even happen?

2. They don’t take photos with you.

Some people just don’t like taking photos, and that’s OK! It can seem trivial, but if your partner’s Facebook is filled with snaps of their life, but they never like to take them with you, then maybe something larger is afoot.

3. They don’t respond to you on social media.

If they’re chatty over text and when you’re curled up together on the couch, but silent when other people might see, that’s a bigger problem than it might appear. Sure, communication you have one-on-one is a million times more important than performing your relationship over social media, but radio silence on the internet kind of makes it seem like they’re trying to keep the relationship hidden.

4. They’re not as physically affectionate as they once were.

Getting more comfortable in a relationship means the new-ness of it all starts to fade, and that can include the intense PDA you guys indulged in during your first weeks together. Being able to spend time together without constantly sucking face shows a maturity in the relationship, but it’s totally OK to want some of that back if its absence is notable.

5. More often than not, you find yourself trying to fill awkward silences.

While no couple should be expected to have full-on intense conversations every second of the day, long silences aren’t great either. If they’re uncomfortable rather than natural, you’ve got a problem.


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