
Top 5 businesses you can do in your backyard

With the new wave of entrepreneurship sweeping the country you might as well join the bandwagon by starting your own business right in your backyard! Nothing gives more gratification than being able to set up your own business joint and exploring different ideas. Here are our top 5 business ideas you can do at home.

1. Fish farming

This has become the in thing in the business world in Zim. It requires less capital and is fun to do. You can dig up your pond and fill it with water. All you need are afew fingerlings and feed and you are all set. A single fish can lay up to a hundred eggs,so you are guaranteed that the fish will multiply and you can sell at a good price.

2 Horticulture

This type of farming requires less space but gives back high returns. You can plant crops such as butternut,beetroot,carrots and lettuce. These fetch at high prices in supermarkets so you get good money for them. Moreover people love to buy produce that is fresh from the ground.

3 Car wash

Yes you can do it at your house. This saves you money for hiring space to do your business

4 Chicken rearing

All you need to do is to buy some cages and feeding troughs. This project is good particularly because you get meat and eggs which are two essential household

5 Music lessons

You can create some space at the back of your house to teach some music. The great outdoor vibes may work wonders in coming up with masterpieces

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