
Top 8 rules to boost your gut health.

1. Choose the right cheese. Opt for full fat, unprocessed cheese’s such as Camembert, Roquefort and Brie as they contain !ore than 400 species of bacteria some of which can help reduce bad cholesterol. 30g a day is recommended.

2. Step up the fibre as guy microbes feed on fibre. Eat fruit with skin and pith such as apples, pears, and oranges. Tuck into vegetables such as spinach and brussel sprouts.

3. Try fermented foods and rinks. These include naturally fermented pickles,yogurt and kombucha drinks.

4. You can try go meat free for at least a month. We suppose the president was correct when he encouraged people to stick to vegetables and potatoes. Limit red meat and stick to chicken and fish.

5. Pick resistant starch that resists digestion and feeds on gut bacteria. This is found in seeds, bananas and potatoes.

6. Have a glass of wine. Wine contains lactic acid bacteria just like yogurt and other fermented dairy products. Red wine is the best.

7. Do not be afraid to ingest a little dirt here and there. Steer clear of anti bacterial products at all times. In the African society, a baby is allowed to eat mud as they play outside and it is said to be good for their gut health.

8. If you have been taking anti biotics it is advisable to take probiotics as well. Anti biotics do not only rid the body of bad bugs but the good ones as well

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