
Afrobarometer Survey Shows Zimbabwe As Africa’s Most Unfree Country

An Afrobarometer survey which shows African countries which believed their country was a full democracy and those which believed they didn’t live in a democracy or a democracy with major problems has been released.


The survey is based on 41 953 face to face interviews in 28 countries excluding South Africa.

Zimbabwe along with Swaziland came out as the most unfree on a range of democracy indices such as freedom of expression, liberty to join any political association and voting for a candidate of their choosing.

A huge 43% of Zimbabweans believe they have full freedom of expression, with another 30 percent believing they are free to express themselves freely.

Zimbabwe also tops the list of countries with the least number of citizens who believe they have the freedom to vote for a candidate of their choice with only 35 percent of Zimbabweans believe this.

The Survey comes out just in time for the International Day of Democracy.

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