10 Things You Didnt Know About Fungisai Zvakavepano Mashavave

Fungisai Mashavave is the one of the most controversial gospel artist in Zimbabwe. Here are some of the interesting things not you might know about the superstar.
1. She started singing when she was 19 and recorded her first album with Alias Msakwa
2. Her role model is Rebecca Malope
3. She is a Black Jew
4. Fungisai would like to meet Barrack Obama before she dies
5. She shockingly revealed that she is not a gospel musician and she never wanted to be labelled as such
6. She once called uncircumcised man useless in an interview
7. When she decided to make her music career she did not plan to sing gospel music exclusively but was forced into it by her producer who believed it suited her style
8. Fungisai is a free spirit ,she have a strong character and believe in standing up for what she in
9. People at her church only want her for crusades but when it comes to serious worship they doubt her and do not fully accept her
10. The gospel songstress has been battling with the norm of society eversince she was labelled a gospel artist back then