Passion Java look-alike causing a stir

An unknown guy called Simba has stirred controversy on social media. The dark faced man, who looks like a replica of prophet Passion Java recently shared his picture and asked people whether he indeed looked like the controversial man of God. Of course this ignited a lot of excitement considering the striking resemblance between the man and the prophet.
This excitement was however short-lived after another fan dropped a bombshell. He said the man hated the prophet with all the fibres in his body. He claimed Simba had at one time asked approached him to starr in a sex tale which he would eventually attribute to the prophet. He also said the evidence to back his claim. This did not go down well with the hundreds of loyal Passion Java followers.
Passion Java has a lot of enemies considering his religious calling as well as the way he loves to flash his wealth. This Simba guy has actually become the least popular person on social media because of the allegations against him.
Java is currently in the country. His “Gara mumba iwe” concert has attracted a lot of attention. This is whereby he ropes in local artists to perform at an online show. His great support for local artists has been hailed as the much needed boost for the music industry. The prophet loves zimdancehall music.
Java’s look alike is currently trending.