Top 10 High Schools in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is listed as one of the countries with the best education in Africa and it’s no suprising that our high schools are known as academically the top in Africa too! Check out the top 10 High Schools in Zimbabwe.
Top 10 High Schools in Zimbabwe
Harare International School
Founded in 1992, Harare International School (HIS) is an independent, non-profit institution, serving students in Early Childhood 1 (EC 1) to grade 12. HIS enrolls approximately 500 students representing over 50 nationalities, including 21% from Europe, 23% from North America, 41% from Africa, 8% from Asia and 7% from other areas of the world.
HIS is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and the educational program is modeled along North American and International Baccalaureate (IB) guidelines. HIS is fully accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). HIS is an IB World School and is authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. HIS is currently a Middle Years Programme candidate school.
St Georges College
Founded in 1896 in Bulawayo, St George’s moved to Harare (Salisbury) in 1927, because the current site allowed much greater room for expansion which was inevitable in a young and developing region.
Aspiring to the highest academic standards, (over the years thirty-eight of its alumni have been awarded Rhodes Scholarships) the College has an enrolment of 700 pupils from Form 1 (Year 8) to Form Upper Six (Year 13), including a Boarding Department of over a hundred pupils. St George’s offers the public examinations of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), with a choice of sixteen subjects at IGCSE Level, and thirteen subjects at Advanced Level, in order to cater for the varying interests, needs and abilities of its pupils. The tuition is $2 550.00usd a term.
Falcon College
From rugged beginnings Falcon developed a tradition of discipline and teamwork. Individual responsibility and leadership was fostered and encouraged. Academic traditions come from English public schools but adapted to the changing demographics and demands of contemporary Zimbabwean Society.
Our vision is to create a balanced multiracial society for a broad cross-section of National and International students. Falcon offers leadership, discipline, first class education and the opportunity for every boy to develop to the best of his potential. The College endeavours to instil strong moral, ethical, Christian values via a broad range of activities; academic, sporting and cultural – with a bias towards the outdoors.
Peter House College
Our mission is to keep its members in touch with Peterhouse, Marondera, and with each other, and in any way possible to further the interests both of the school and of its members. (As per the objective in the original constitution)
Chisipite Senior School
Aims to develop the potential of our pupils in as many ways possible.
The School aims to provide a broad and balanced education, recognising the need for academic qualifications, but mindful that the formative period at school should offer a young person breadth of interests and an opportunity to develop social confidence in preparation for adult life.
The School will provide a learning environment which both motivates pupils to achieve their full academic potential and encourages them to think creatively, critically and independently
St Johns College
Founded in 1986, St John’s College is a leading independent secondary school in Zimbabwe. The College admits boys from the age of 12 to 18 and formerly offered a limited number of sixth form places for girls in the International Baccalaureate program
Prince Edward High School
To provide a challenging and demanding education in ideal surroundings, in a meaningful and supportive environment for boys with a high academic promise, from the most comprehensive and widest possible backgrounds,
To develop in all their full potential, a critical approach to learning, a positive attitude to the community, equipped to ensure their development throughout their lives.
Our endeavors are based on broad academic curriculum, a wide range of extracurricular activities through a well-organized and experienced Academic and Technical staff.
Gateway High School
GATEWAY HIGH SCHOOL is an International, Independent, co-educational, Interdenominational Christian, secondary day school in the northern suburbs of Harare which opened in 1991 and has since become established as a leading player and voice in Independent schools in Zimbabwe.
The school welcomes children of all abilities, backgrounds and creeds and introduces them to a caring and committed community with an emphasis on the equal importance of each child, where their worth is not dependent on position, power, popularity, personality, pass marks or parents but on their unique, special status as a human being created in the image of God and saved by the love of Christ.
The school seeks to be relevant in the community, dynamic in approach, fresh in thinking, fruitful in efforts, biblical in principle. Just as the Bible states that “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, in favour with God and with man” so we strive to help our pupils grow intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially. The emphasis in these areas is not to produce instant success but to develop life-long habits. It is this emphasis on an all-round education that helps children to be principled, well-rounded, equipped to reach their full potential and prepared for life and service.
LomaGandi College
Here at the College we aim to encourage each pupil to be a self-confident, well-rounded individual. We aim to propel them to the highest level of achievement in both academics and extra-curricular activities to provide them with the life skills they will need when they leave the College and to prepare them to be of value to society.
The College is a warm community which lives out high standards and is rightly proud of its achievements. We are a small enough School for each pupil to be known well, but large enough to offer a wide range of subjects and experience.
Cornway College
Our vision is to give people meaning education. We did not chase the money, we chased our dream and success followed. Being successful has enabled Cornway to do good all round, sports, arts, music and other activities.