Aleck Macheso Dropping New Album “Tsoka Dzerwendo” On March 21
Alick Macheso’s last album”Kwatakabva Mitunhu” received mixed reactions from his fans and now the Sungura King is ready to release the much anticipated album titled” Tsoka Dzerwendo”.
Aleck Macheso started facing challenges due to issues surrounding his personal life as a result he lost his band members ,this tarnished his image and his live performances were affected however he managed to pull through it .
The musician who is under pressure to release a hit album announced that he is dropping his new album titled “Tsoka dzerwendo”on the 21st of march 2016 so as to regain tittle once again.
And it seems he is determined to use live shows to prove that his next project will be a scorcher .On Friday he performed at Werras Bar in Glen View 1 and sampled new songs with spirited effort.