10 Health Benefits of the Daniel’s Fast
At the beginning of the year most people take time to fast. fasting is often a religious act, there are people who do it for health reasons. There are several types of fasts with the most popular one being the Daniel’s Fast. This type of fast rules out artificial foods, milk products and meat. There are numerous benefits to Daniel-type fasting. Below are just some of the incredible benefits of fasting.
1. Helps break bad habits or even addictions
2. Relieves anxiety and nervousness
3. Clears your mind of negative thoughts and feelings
4. Can help heal relationships in your life that have been stressful
5. Helps break addictions to sugar
6. Detoxifies the body
7. Promotes healthy weight loss
8. Improves skin health
9. Fasting promotes healthy digestion and elimination
10. Fasting promotes healthy hormonal balance