Life Style

“You cant have an iPhone and be using a ZUPCO”Arthur Marara

Arthur Marara lashed out at those that try to live luxuriously without investing in themselves in an exclusive radio interview. The phenomenal author, lawyer and motivational speaker said it is really senseless that some people prefer to live fake lives that appeal to the public eye and yet they are in actual fact suffering

Marara said some people have iPhones and yet they are busy commuting to and from work in ZUPCO buses. He said it shows lack of focus and the ability to reason. The motivational speaker indeed had people poking fun at those that use ZUPCO buses that have become a common feature in both urban and rural areas.

Marara is known for his crude remarks and blunt phrases. He does not mince his words when it comes to giving the best advice. Last year, he teamed up with Nigel Chanakira and hosted a conference on entrepreneurship.

He also hosted several other seminars. Arthur Marara’s advice is indeed one people ought to take heed of. Most people love to flaunt flashy things such as phones, electrical gadgets and clothes in public and yet they haven’t really invested anything meaningful in themselves.

Marara is also a practicing lawyer with Mtamangira and Associates.

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