Top 10 Zimbabwean Rappers of All Time

Zimbabwe’s hip hop industry has been on the rise for a while. Zimbabwean hip hop music has also started crossing over to other countries. Check out our 10 Zimbabwean Rappers of All Time list.
Top 10 Zimbabwean Rappers of All Time
King Pin
The legend was arguably the best lyricist to ever come out of Zim. With songs like I salute you which was the King paying tribute to those who fought for the country and songs like MC where he defines the term in many different poetic ways, he proved his Kingship to us R.I.P to the King.
The rapper started making his moves over 2decades ago when they formed the group known as Letheal Language which was featured in the source in 1992. Metaphysics aka Herbert Schwamborn is popularly known for being a member of the multi-platinum selling German band Sohne Mannheims.
Formed the famous group called Gandanga with Metaphysics and have been signing artists. The rappers are based in Germany and have been in the i-tunes top 10 lists in the US and Germany.
Mc Chita
MC Chita was born Chitarisiro Chiketa in Moscow Russia to a Zimbabwean Ambassador. Most of Chita’s childhood was spent travelling around the world to places as varied as the United Kingdom and Iran. He has lived in places as varied as the United Kingdom and Iran. Along the way Chita found that rhyming was in his blood, his evolution as an artist began at age 11 when he wrote lyrics to Nas’ ‘It wats written album. He lists his other musical influences as Jay-Z, Eminem, Naughty by Nature and Tupac.
The 4X Zim Hip-Hop award winner is lyrically skilled and definitely has a different story to tell as compared to most of the rappers inthe country. After he made syn city everyone seems to agree that the young artist has a bright future ahead of him and he promises to represent Zim hip hop better than all that came before him.
The rapper found his love for hip hop in Harare and started performing in high school till he graduated from Rhodes and moved to JHB were he shared the stage with artists like Talib Kweli,Dead Prez and Black Thought
The Zimbabwean rapper is a legend in South Africa as he was one of the pioneers of the S.A hip-hop industry . Mizchief was born in Harare, moved to New York at the tender age of 12 and then moved back to South Africa at 18. He is said to be 1 of the first rappers to perform with a live band in South Africa. R.I.P to our legend.
Tehn Diamond
The rapper has razor sharp lyrics and can also give good commercial flows which is a balance most deep rappers don’t catch. His hit track Happy has elevated his career and put him on stages such as Big Brother Africa.
Tazzoita Cash Records is the record label started by Stunner aka Desmond Chideme. The hit maker has been nominated for awards in the USA where he was competing with the likes of Zues and Khuli Chana.
Known for freestyling for an hour straight which is something very few if not non of rappers can do. Munetsi Matambanadzo has been on the hip hop scene since the 90’s and has been maturing since. He is an Mc that very few rappers in the game would even dare say something negative about because everyone knows his penning game is not 1 to play with . His 2008 album World tour which had the single 7days left a mark on our hearts
Kapital K
Based in Cape Town and is an official MC at Club COCO Kapital K has great punchlines and amazing wordplay. Keith Guzha jr has a new story to tell being born the child of a minister and having the mic close to his heart he has already confronted some childhood stories. Having gotten the best diaspora award at the Zim hip-hop awards he has a promising future.
Mau Mau
The Zim Hip-hop pioneer whose real name is Shingirayi Sebeta is well known for his 90’s hit called Blackness which he recorded with the late Prince Tendai, the self titled single Mau Mau and his classic 2002 album M’fecane. The Legend recently dropped a single called Ndamutwsa which was produced by Rehabs Xander.