Ammara Brown emotional over her song hitting half a million views

Ammara Brown recently took to Instagram to express gratitude at her fans for their support. The beautiful singer was celebrating yet another milestone. Her song Tichichema recently hit the half a million mark on You Tube and she could not have been more excited. Ammara said she was gratfukto the almighty for his live and it her fans for their support. She actually confessed that she did not know that she had so many supporters.
Tichichema is a song that zeroes in on domestic abuse. The singer was able to aptly capture the reality in most societies and the effects of abuse on children. The song invokes emotion and the video is a true work of art. Apart from the stunning choreography, the song also has beautiful visuals making I one of the best videos of the year.
Ammara has emerged as one of the best artists in the country. The artist has released songs such as Whatchu want and Loyal. She has a large fan base both in Zimbabwe and beyond the country’s boarders. She clearly inherited her father’s musical genes.
The singer continues to drop hit after hit. Her recent video Loyal has already attracted so much interest
Ammara has graced international stages. She has received various awards and she continues to make her mark on the music scene. Some of her songs have been aired on channels like Trace Africa and Channel O. Indeed the singer is a major force in the music industry