Top 5 Ways To Cope With Anxiety

Everyone struggles with anxiety at some point in their lives but some are able to manage it and some end up in deep depression. The good news is you can learn to manage, cope and beat anxiety and here’s how.
1. Get enough sleep
If your sleeping routine is not consistent not only will it take a toll on your body but it can contribute to a lot of anxiety and stress. Anxiety also leads to lack of sleep and it becomes a cycle. Give yourself enough hours of sleep a day and monitor how better you feel physically and mentally.
2. Identify false alarms
Many thoughts and sensations that we interpret as cues for concern even panic are just background noise. That rapid heart beat doesn’t mean you’re having a heart attack it’s just your body’s natural response.
3. Make it worse
Focus your attention on where the feeling of anxiousness is in your body and keep your attention there until the feeling moves or dissolves. Whenever your attention wanders, bring it back to the place in your body where the physical feeling is. Doing this for five or ten minutes can reduce, if not eliminate, the anxiety.
4. Create a vision board
If the future seems big and scary, try changing the thoughts about what lies ahead. Take some time to produce a vision board that creates excitement about projects and possibilities to come. Ask yourself, “Is my thought true, helpful, inspirational, necessary and kind?” If not, dump the thought.
5. Express Gratitude
Expressing gratitude helps reduce anxiety, especially when we’re well-rested . Start a gratitude journal to get in the mindset of appreciation, and out of the mindset of being overwhelmed.