10 Squatting Tips For Ladies
Its 2017 ladies and on your New Year’s resolution I hope you included doing away with butt lifters. Exorbitant prices were being charged for these as you tried by all means to have Nicki Minaj’s butt. Take a look at a few pointers that I put up for you to enhance your rear end…
These are routines you can try out at home
1. On the first day you should ensure that the number 20 is the minimum number of squats you do. Hinge your hips so that your butt moves backwards during the downward phase of the squat.
2.The pressure of the squat will be on your heels instead of your toes and you will be able to get more depth to your squat.
3.Maintain a straight head position and make sure you don’t move your neck rapidly.
4.Keep your chest out and shoulders should be back to ensure that the spine is in proper alignment.
5.Keep your lower back flat to arched when you squat so that you don’t put too much pressure on your spine
6. Make sure your toes are pointed out and knees are slightly bent so that you can retain balance when squatting.
7.Breathing in is a very important exercise as it is difficult to do so whilst squatting hence it is encouraged as well as breathing out.
8.If your hips are pflexible then you can squat above parallel but if they not then you should squat below parallel.
9. Don’t even think of quitting.
10. Do not ‘BUY BUTT LIFTERS’ they are gross.