
Preparing for labour

The world is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Nandi, Olinda Chapel and Tytan’s daughter. As the months have been progressing the couple has been sharing updates on Olinda’s pregnancy and they hosted a colorful baby shower to welcome their bundle of joy and newest addition to their family.

Olinda is due to deliver any day from now. There are however some important preparatory steps that every pregnant woman ought to take as they await labour. Here are five crucial things that can be done by expactant mothers before going into labour.

  1. Have your hospital bag ready:
    During the last few weeks of pregnancy, packing up your hospital bag is important. It ensures that all basic things such as diapers, cotton wool, baby clothes and towels are in place. It is virtually impossible to pack all essentials during the last minute dash to hospital.
  2. Relax
    Most women become overly anxious during the last few days of pregnacy. To wad off that anxiety most women end up partaking in heavy household chores and at times vigorous exercises that may put strain on their bodies. This is not recommended and expecting mums should simply relax and have adequate rest until they go into labour.
  3. Enlist the help of someone to help you after birth. In African tradition first time mums are required to go back to their parent’s home a few days before giving birth and afterwards. This is done in order to ensure that the new mum is well taken care of and is taught how to take care of the new baby. Archaic as it may seem but this tradition is very crucial. You should make sure you have someone standing by to take care of you post birth.
  4. Empower yourself
    Labour is different for each and every woman. You should strive to be positive and summon enough courage before the big day. This will help a woman to pull through.
  5. Research on what to do when labour kicks in. Some women find themselves stranded and in panic mode when labour kicks in. Women should know what to do when the labour pains start. Have your contact numbers ready for the hospital, your birth partner and any other information that you might need on the day.

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