“Stay in your lane and leave my #Dziva alone” Passion Java issued with stern warning.

Queen Tatelicious has issued a stern warning against controvesial prophet Passion Java following his recent diss on the rapper. Passion had said some nasty remarks about Stunner and his beef with Mudiwa a few days ago.
Stunner had responded by citing that he had lost respect for the man of cloth and that his video was an embarrassment as it was not expected of a man with a congregation. Queen Tatelicious however had her own two cents in the matter and warned Passion to stay clear of who she termed “future husband”, making reference to Stunner.
Tate threatened to expose Passion and line up hi dirty laundry in public. She claimed that the prophet did not own the cash that usually flashes around and brags about but is actually being used as a front bysomeone else. She claimed to have acquired this information from an ex sex client who was well connected to Passion.
Tatelicious also said she had all the juicy gossip about Passion’s shenanigans in Ghana and hinted something about a human sacrifice. She dared Passion to go further in insulting Stunner lest she published all his secrets. Tatelicious was quite emotional in her message and seemed to act like a mama bear protecting her cubs.
Tatelicious also criticized Passion for his hand in destroying Chillspot records and Enzo ishall whom she said she no longer listens to due to Passion’s meddling. Most people were shocked with these Revelations by the outspoken entertainer. Passion Java is yet to respond.