Drugs take their toll on Dobba don.

Zimdancehall artist Dobba Don is in a sorry state judging from a recent video doing the rounds on social media. The young singer seems to have succumbed to continued drug abuse and is evidently losing his mind. Most people expressed deep sorrow and regret at such talent being wasted because of drugs. Dobba Don rose to fame with his song Mudendere which became a ghetto anthem. He later on released songs such as Mkuru and Cheu cheu. He also collaborated with Tammy Moyo and Takura on a hit song that was even played on Trace Africa.
The singer is now a complete opposite of the once famous and celebrated star. In the video, the singer is recorded saying inaudible things but the phrase “I’m being used” can be picked up. He then goes on to flex his muscles and unleash some karate moves, a clear indication that he has gone bonkus. Some blamed it on crystal meth while others said it could have been a combination of different drugs. Others encouraged young people not to indulge in drugs as the side effects are dire.
Fans of the artist said people should come together to get the singer into a proper rehabilitation facility because his condition is just painful to watch. Most dancehall artists have been accused of glorifying drugs in their songs leading to such consequences. Dobba Don’s song Mudendere talked about drug abuse and how one must do what they feel can make them happy.