Pokello outlines essence of self worth

One of the major challenges that often confront individuals in modern day society is one’s inability to know their true value. In a recent post by popular businesswoman Pokello, there is emphasis on one needing to know their true value.
Pokello writes on her instagram wall ‘When you don’ t know your worth anyone can purchase your possibilities’, meaning to say people need to assert their true value in life and guard against being short changed. Often a time people are are shortchanged and undervalue themselves owing to desperation and lack of patience.
The dictionary defines self-worth as “the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person.” However, there are many ways for a person to value themselves and assess their worth as a human being. In many cases people end up selling themselves short not because they want to but largely due the fact that they are not aware of their true value to an organisation or be it a partnership.
Self worth can be viewed as a pyschological state that is developed by self esteem. In the absence of a high self esteem individuals often sell themselves short and up under valuing themselves and in the process often not knowing their self worth.
Due to her experience in the fashion industry and in business, Pokello appears to have reached a spa
ce in which she is conscious of her worth as well as potential thus ensuring she does not get taken for a ride by anyone owing to desperation.