10 Ways To Deal With Exam Anxiety

Examinations aren’t always the easiest experiences during school life. Studying and steady preparations can help you write with confidence. Most students often find exam time rather stressful. Most feel anxious towards or during their examination. The biggest. The cause for this anxiety is fear of failure. The disadvantage of exam anxiety or stress is that one may fail to think straight. A student may also fail to finish the exam on time. With this it’s important to remain calm and focused. If a student had been diligent in their school work and studies, exams should be quite a breeze. Below are ways to deal with exam anxiety.
1.Approach the exam confidently using the best tactic that helps you ace it.
2. Make sure that you are well prepared from what you have studied to your materials.
3. Choose a good place to seat that caters to your needs including good lighting and minimal distractions.
4. Give yourself time to psych up to the exam including going to the bathroom.
5. Avoid last minute cramming or discussions.
6. Remain calm by listening to your favourite music or praying, or meditating.
7. Make sure that you have exercised which is great way of relieving stress or tension.
8. Get a good night’s sleep
the night before the exam.
9. Make sure that you go into the exam on a full stomach which helps with concentration.
10. Be relaxed during the exam by reading the directions carefully, keeping time and focusing first on what you know before tackling the hard questions.