Something’s Cooking With ZiFM’s Misred

Don’t you just love it when celebrities are mysterious about their new projects? They all do that at least until two or three days before the big day, then they share just a snippet leaving us wanting to know more.
Whether it’s to create big buzz around “it” or she truly can’t reveal until the actual day, this morning Misred took to Instagram to share a short video that only showed her name and the date 22 May. Hmm, we wonder what she has been up to?
Is it a new gig, on TV maybe, she can’t be leaving ZiFM right? Well guess we have to wait like everyone else until Friday to see what it’s all about?
We were just wondering if we should make the 22nd a public holiday or not because there’s a lot of entertainment events going on that day. First it was Jah Prayzah who announced the same day as his album launch date and now Misred, or are the two events linked in some way?
The ZiFM breakfast show co-presenter has revealed in past interviews that she was working on some new projects but couldn’t say what it was. We are glad whatever it is has finally come together and is ready for the rest of us.
Thanks for keeping us wondering Misred! For now, we count down.