Zimbabwe Ranked One Of The 10 Countries With The Lowest Education Equity In The World

Education Equity is a measure of achievement, fairness and opportunity in Education. According to the Inclusive Growth and Development Report by the World Economic Forum, Zimbabwe is one of ten countries with the lowest education equity in the world.
The World Economic Forum says the economic growth and integration can be improved by expanding social participation. The report also discovered that reducing inequality can actually strengthen economic growth.
“The extent to which economic growth broadens improvements in economic opportunity and living standards is influenced by an interdisciplinary mix of structural and institutional aspects of economic policy”, says the report.
It also reveals that no internationally recognized policy framework and corresponding set of indicators or measurable milestones has emerged to guide countries wishing to construct a more socially inclusive economic strategy.
Seven of the 10 countries with the lowest education equity are in Africa. These are, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Burundi and Mozambique.