
Econet Launches Wi-Fi for Public Transport

Mobile network provider Econet Zimbabwe  introduced WiFi in public transport in Harare. Coined ‘Wi-Fi in kombis’ which are the one of the leading modes of public transport, Econet subscribers can buy WiFi bundles and can use these in kombis.

Econet Launches Wi-Fi for Public Transport
Econet Launches Wi-Fi for Public Transport


Econet WiFi routers are installed inside kombis for customers that are commuting in and out of the cities. 50 kombis already have Wi-Fi routers and 250 kombis are expected to have Econet Wi-Fi within the next 4 months.

The long-term plan is provide WiFi service in long distance kombis and  every kombi in Zimbabwe.

This move by Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is meant to bring convenience to the general public that use kombis.

In addition, customers will now use the 100% free WiFi data they get for any data bundle purchase on the kombis.

Econet has always beener leader when it comes to innovations for mobile services. In a country with ever internet use, the ordinary person has increased advantage.


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