Top 20 Inspirational Strive Masiyiwa Quotes

Strive Masiyiwa is definitely one of the most successful and inspirational Zimbabweans and through different institutions and communication platforms like facebook the trendsetter uses these platforms to share and inspire African. Below we compiled Top 20 Inspirational Strive Masiyiwa Quote. Enjoy!

1. “Being business minded requires you to always approach things with humility and respect.”
2. “Sit down and CALCULATE the cost first don’t just start”
3. “Be “business conscious”; “be business minded”….. This is your dispensation!”
4. “Seeing the business side, is being “BUSINESS MINDED” You can train yourself to be business minded”
5. “If you begin to think business whether you own it or work for it like you would a well managed sports team you will learn a lot of very interesting lessons”
6. “Having a great product, or unique invention, that the world has never seen before, is not enough, for you to succeed. You must be able to build an organization, and to manage it as it grows.”
7. “Being the boss does not mean that you are the best person to solve every problem.”
8. “Adopt best practice benchmark yourself with the best in the worlds”
9. “The board room, of a company, is its “operating theater”. That is the place where the most skilled “surgical operations” are supposed to occur.”
10. “The size of the business that you run, is dependent on your capacity to build and MANAGE, an organizations”
11. “If you want to build a large business you need to understand how to build proper institutional structures and systems throughout the business”
12.” Even if your business or organization is small become conscious of the role of institutional systems”
13. “Make a conscious effort or acquire and develop your financial literacy”
14. “There is more to literacy than reading writing”
15. “If you can phone him, don’t write; if you can see him, don’t phone”
16. “If you are to be an effective “nation builder”, make it your business, to understand what is “really” happening in the economy, both nationally and globally.”
17. “The Emeralds rush ended just as quickly as it had started; as these things often do. Don’t run after such things”
18. “You can make a global industry from what you are doing”
19. “The opportunity is in the problem. The moment I see a problem, I immediately begin to think about the opportunities that can be created by trying to solve it.”
20. “Attitude determines your altitude, if you have a bad attitude, even if you are way up there, you will come crashing down, and if you are still trying to take off, a bad attitude, will keep you on the ground, revving your engines but going nowhere.”