ED hit with naked reality as anti sanctions campaign flops.

In spite of government having availed buses to carry people for free to the national sports stadium, there was poor turnout to the anti sanctions event on Friday. The day had been declared a public holiday in order to pay way for people to attend the anti sanctions gala and march. The numbers were dissapointing as evidenced by the empty stadium. The highly publicised march and gala had been organised in order for Zimbabwe and other SADC nations to petition the western world to remove sanctions imposed on the country.
This, however, turned out to be one huge joke and most people have been questioning the sanity of the authorities in Zim in hosting such an event. Others have lambasted the government for having misplaced priorities in that they are supposed to comply with directives previously given by the US to put its house in order first before any talk of removing sanctions.
said the sanctions were targeted and those individuals who were on the sanctions list must fight their own battles. The country is currently under severe strain as the cost of living continues to escalate. Prices of fuel and basic items have been increasing on a daily basis ever since the inception of the second republic under Emmerson Mnangagwa.