
10 Ways To Deal With Bad Breath

Bad breath not only makes people around you uncomfortable, it’s extremely embarrassing. Bad breath comes from dental cavities, poor oral hygiene and gum disease. Not to worry there are many ways to deal with bad breath. Try these and never worry about bad breath again.

bad breath

1. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day

Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste; brushing your tongue especially the back of it will remove smelly bacteria that cause bad breath.

2. Floss once a day

Flossing gets out hidden good particles and removes plaque, a coating of bacteria that form around the tooth. Flossing also prevents periodontal disease which is another cause of bad breath.

3. Gargle with peroxide

For a fresh breath, gargle with peroxide, the oxygen in the peroxide kills mouth bacteria that cause bad breath.

4. Use a fluoride mouth rinse

Decayed teeth are not only painful, they smell really bad. Tooth decay can be prevented with fluoride toothpaste and proper dental care.

5. Drink lots of water

Lack of fluids can lead to dry mouths and cause bad breaths, water is odor free and helps to flash out the food that bacteria loves. It also helps promote saliva which cleanses the mouth and eliminates the stink causing substance in food.

6. Avoid certain foods

Eating foods like garlic or anything can make your breath bad because they get into your bloodstream and then your lungs; avoid sugary foods and acidic drinks.

7. Eat certain foods

While spices and alcohol are bad for your breath, other foods help reduce the bad breath. Most of them are fruits and vegetables. Chew on carrots and apples to step up your saliva flow between meals to help wash away bacteria from teeth, tongue and gums.

8. Regular visit to the dentist

The best way to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene is to visit your dentist regularly. If you have chronic bad breath you should visit your dentist first to rule out any dental problems.

9. Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco

Tobacco tends to dry out your mouth and can leave an unpleasant smell that lingers even after brushing your teeth.

10. Check your sinuses

Infections cause bad breath. Bad breath is often a clue to an underlying sinus infection. Post-nasal drip is most noticeable after sleeping at night.

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