14 herd boys impregnate a minor child

In a sad and shocking development,a 12-year-old from Chikwetye Village in Chivi doing Grade 7 at Mukotosi Primary school is pregnant and does not know the father of her unborn child after she was raped by 14 herd boys. The girl was subjected to rape on different occasions and the herd boys would actually give each other days to perform the acts leading to her pregnancy.
The minor was examined at Vuranda Clinic recently after complaining of stomach pains and sources at the clinic said the parents are seeking means to terminate the pregnancy. Sources close to the matter said the herd boys ran away after the minor’s father began hunting for them.Masvingo Provincial Education Director (PED) Zedius Chitiga said he is not aware of the matter. Provincial Medical Director Dr Amadeus Shamu could not be reached for comment.“I am not aware of any school pupils being impregnated. We were closed for the lockdown duration and no reports have been submitted to that effect,” said Chitiga.
A source close to the matter said the rape which began in July 2020 was discovered recently after the minor complained of stomach pains. She allegedly told her mother and nurses at Vuranda that the herd boys would buy her sweets and rape her after promising to marry her.“The herd boys would allegedly lure her with sweets and promises to marry her before raping her in grazing pastures on different days. They did not rape her at once but allegedly gave each other days,” said a nurse. The unfortunate incident has left many people reeling in shock and the community at loggerheads with herd boys that take advantage of young minor girls.
The story has also caused outrage nationwide. Parents have been called on to ensure that their kids are safe at all times and to regularly check up on them