5 Healthy Ways To Love And Value Yourself

How you feel about yourself is directly related to how you treat yourself. Never wait for someone to remind you of your self worth or to love you. You deserve to be happy and to do great things in your life and that can only happen when you invest time and energy to living a healthier and more positive lifestyle.
Here are five healthy ways you can love and value yourself more.
1. Understand the power of your attitude toward yourself
The way you perceive yourself, how you talk about yourself, and how you represent yourself eventually becomes the reality for you. If you’re constantly bringing yourself down and belittling yourself others will do the same towards you.
2. Accept no one’s definition of yourself
We are born into a world where we are taught to seek approval and do what other people expect of us so this can be difficult. But you need to learn to be true to yourself and not be afraid to express your needs and desires, this is a powerful step toward self-love.
3. Trust your own feelings
Self-worth requires that you learn to listen to and rely upon your own feelings and not automatically respond to the feelings of other people. Once those around you establish that you’ll respond to what they want, they’ll lack any incentive to not make use of your responsiveness, and that sets a bind for you that can be hard to break.
4. Forgive yourself.
Stop blaming yourself, while it seems like the easy option at times, it’s also the one that will leave you stuck in time and stuck with your negative feelings; worst of all, it leaves you feeling helpless. Avoid being a martyr, the responsibility to move on as a strong, whole person rests with you.
5. Live in the moment
Find value in every moment, and look for meaning in everything you do. Living in the past can lead to regrets, and living in the future can make us feel disappointed about the present. This moment, right now, is the most important time of your life.