6 telling signs that your body is sleep deprived.
1. Having challenges in making decisions.
Having challenges in making decisions. When you are sleep deprived even making trvial decisions such as booking a ticket may be difficult. It’s no wonder that we are always told to “sleep on it” before tackling big questions the following day. Lack of sleep leads to poor decision making. The reason is that tiredness affects brain activity.
2. Eating without limitation.
Lack of sleep affects your levels of appetite regulating hormones, which in turn stimulates hunger. The result is constant snacking. Fatigue also makes you more likely to crave sugary foods for a fast energy boost.
3. More susceptible to bugs.
You are three times more prone to colds if you are sleep deprived. Sllep deprivation can negatively impact your immunity.
4. Health risk
People who sleep less than five hours a night have an increased risk to develop type two diabetes. This is thought to be because having fewerr spells of deep sleep changes the way the body processes glucose.
5. You get emotional
Sleep is closely linked to the way we process emotions, so if you find yourself oddly wailing at a sad song do not dismiss it.
6. You get clumsier
Sleep loss affects motor skills leading to you being overly clumsy and slow reaction at times. This makes you prone to accidents.