7 Types of Cancers Caused by Drinking Alcohol
It’s that time of the year when alcohol intake is at its highest. It’s been known that drinking large amounts of alcohol predisposes one to cancer. Long-term alcohol use leads to throat and esophageal cancer. Below are 7 types of cancers caused by drinking alcohol.
1. Liver Cancer
Alcohol causes a lot of problems to the liver. Apart from cirrhosis, heavy alcohol consumption is associated with liver cancer.
2. Breast Cancer
Alcohol affects estrogen levels by changing the way the body metabolizes them. Estrogen levels are clearly linked to breast cancer development. Women who drink moderately or excessively on a regular basis face the most risk.
3. Oral Cancer
Those who consume alcohol are six times more likely to develop oral cancer than those who don’t. Research shows that over 75 percent of people with oral cancer are drinkers.
4. Throat Cancer
Research has shown that chronic alcohol consumption is associated with throat cancer development. When combined with tobacco, the risk increases even further.
5. Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer develops in the esophagus. The common type of esophageal cancer associated with drinking, is usually squamous cell carcinoma.
6. Laryngeal Cancer
Laryngeal cancer is a type of throat cancer that affects the larynx. Laryngeal cancer is caused by tobacco but alcohol increases the risk.
7. Colon and Rectal Cancer
Several studies have linked colon cancer.