Avenues clinic confirms case of covid 19

One of the leading private hospitals in Harare Avenues Clinic has announced that it has suspended all hospital visits with immediate effect. This comes after a nurse at the upmarket clinic is said to have tested positive for covid 19. The clinic said it is in the interests of their patients’ health not to have any visitors as this will reduce the spread of the virus.
The clinic was said to have temporarily stopped admission of new patients amid the covid 19 scare. The nurse who tested positive for covid 19 was working in the casualty department. She was infected after handling an infected patient. The numbers of recorded cases of covid 19 have significantly risen and are now totalling over 2500. Retail outlets, private companies, medical aid societies and ordinary citizens have made reports of members of staff and neighbours being infected with the virus. There is also speculation that the virus will cause even more devastation in the coming months when it is at its peak.
Avenues clinic is one of the best care providers in Harare. The clinic boasts of state of the art equipment and upper class treatment of patients. The move to suspend hospital visits has been commended and most people have said other hospitals must do the same to avoid the risk of spreading the virus.
Corona virus has caused over half a million deaths worldwide. Frontline workers such as nurses and doctors have been most affected