Chiwenga makes solid promise

Newly appointed Health minister VP Chiwenga has promised to revive the health sector. Chiwenga said he had managed to identify the problems bedeviling Zimbabwe’s medical fraternity. The minister made the following statement,”Things will never be the same again. We are restructuring and reforming our health delivery system. We want to rebuild the structures from village to referral level. Things will never be the same again, but we must work together. We have already identified the problems and we do not want a repeat of what was happening before”.
It is an open secret that the health sector is in shambles. There is an acute shortage of drugs in hospitals as well as equipment. There have also been challenges in the martenity sector. It was recently reported that 9 out of 10 babies had died during childbirth at Harare hospital in one night .
Another critical element that has made medical care inaccessible for most is the fact that doctors and nurses are currently on strike. They have also been crying foul over poor remuneration
It remains to be seen whether the new health minister whose appointment stunned many, will deliver.
There were reports last week of people suffering from kidney problems having to find alternative means to survive since the medical personnel that work in the dialysis department at Parirenyatwa did not turn up.
VP Chiwenga has however sworn to make the health system functional once again. It would indeed be a welcome relief if things were to improve given the dire state of things in hospitals.