
Dairibord Addresses Public’s Fears of Listeriosis

Dairibord Releases Statement On Listeriosis

As South Africa’s Listeriosis scare continues to be rampant, Dairiboard releases a statement. The local milk products company, is addressing the public’s fears about the spread of Listeriosis.

In a statement to the press and public, Dairiboard reassures the public that there is no need to fear their products. The statement reads:

“Dairibord Zimbabwe Private Limited (DZPL), a food processing company, shares the same concern flagged in the local media concerning the outbreak of listeriosis in South Africa.

Listeriosis is a serious infection caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium called Listeria Monocytogenes. The best known way of destroying Listeria bacterium is through heating food, and DZPL would like to take this opportunity to assure its valued customers that all our dairy and dairy related foods and beverages are free of the Listeria bacterium. Our products are subjected to high temperatures during processing i.e. pasteurisation, sterilisation and Ultra High Temperature treatment in order to destroy harmful pathogens and heat resistant bacteria which may be a threat to human health if consumed.

Furthermore our manufacturing processes are subjected to systematic and intensive quality control monitoring by our Quality Assurance department with frequent verifications done independently by the national regulatory and certification bodies such as the Dairy Services and Standards Association of Zimbabwe respectively.

As per our quality policy, we are committed to:

“Providing good quality, safe foods and beverages that satisfy our customers’ expectations and comply with statutory and regulatory requirements, both nationally and internationally”

This message was brought to you by Dairibord Zimbabwe (Private) Limited, the Horne of Nutritious Foods and Beverages

Proudly Zimbabwean

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