Implications of the doctors’ strike in Zimbabwe.
Doctors in Zinbabwe downed tools on the 3rd of September 2019. They bemoaned lack of resources to carry out their work at the government hospitals. They also lamented poor remuneration. The store has had far reaching consequences and here are some of the negative effects of their absence in hospitals.
1 Loss of life
Hundreds of people have died within the short space of time that the doctors have been on strike. The mortality rate has been especially high in the martenity wards with pregnant women and newly born babies dying as a result of either too much loss of blood it as a result of failure to hey a ceasarean section where required.
2 Ripple effect
Nurses have joined in the strike. They have also cited limited resources to execute their duties and their constraints in treating patient where a doctor is strictly required such as for theatre work. Most civil servants have threatened to join in the strike. Teachers and other civil servants are on the verge of striking.
3 Tarnished international image.
The doctors’ strike has opened a can of worms about the health sector in the country. The international community is now frowning upon local doctors for failing to adhere to their medical ethics to save lives. They are also frowning upon the government for failing to provide adequate resources for doctors to perform their duties.
4 Lack of medical continuity.
Patients who had been advised to return for their medical check ups and reviews have now been left stranded. This is quite fatal especially for pregnant women who require regulatr monthly check ups to check on the progress of the baby’s growth.
5 Suspension of medical lectures.
Most medical schools around the country have actually suspended medical lectures. The implications of this action is that there will not be any new doctors being introduced into the system.