
Important tips to maintain your figure when eating out.

Most people binge eat during the festive season. It is difficult to resist the decadent Christmas treats such as cakes, rich sticky puddings and all the pastries that hosts go the extra mile to prepare. It is however important to make healthy choices when eating out especially after this festive period. We narrow down 7 essential tips for eating out.


Plan where you go and choose places that offer a variety of healthy meals. Most people make the mistake of dining in places that offer huge buffets where they end up eating what they would otherwise not eat at a different place.

2. Choices

Choose between an alcoholic drinks and dessert instead of having both. If you are to eat something that is not quite a healthy choice then let it be a single item rather than two or more bad choices.

3. Meal preparation

Opt for low-fat preparation methods such as grilled,stramed, boiled or stir fried foods as opposed to deep fried.

4. Portions

Eat small portion sizes.

5. Sides

Go for the side salad rather than the chips or burgers.

6. Variety

It is often said that variety is the spice of life. Choose meals that offer a variety of food groups.

7. Drink wisely

Alcoholic, creamy, milky or high sugar drinks are all high in energy and add unnecessary energy to your meal intake.

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