Top 10 ways to cool off# Heatwave diaries

The scorching heat wave that is currently being experienced has caused so much discomfort for most people. Here are some ways to cool off and wad off the heat.
1 Make some lollies. They are amazingly fresh and have a cooling effect. You can buy some fresh fruit and make your own lollies. They re also a healthy summer snack.
2 Wallow up some time in the pool. Splashing around in water will have a cooling effect on your body and help regulate your body temperature.
3 Buy a fan. The cool air can be very beneficial for you. There is nothing more refreshing than a blast of fresh air onto your body on a hot summer’s day.
4 Take a shower instead sitting in the bath tub. A shower will ensure instant rejuvenation on your skin and body cells.
5 Drink cold water and add some ice to it. You should generally stay hydrated in summer.
6 Make a habit of cooking your food outdoors. This is the perfect time for those braai recipes to come into play.
7 Wear 100% cotton clothes. They are ideal for hot weather in that they offer great air circulation.
8 You can also take a freezer pack to bed or a wet towel. Place it on strategic areas such as your feet, forehead or back.
9 Wear open shoes preferably some sandals. This will allow great air circulation and also decrease your chances of having swollen feet.
10 You can also snack on frozen fruit. You can even share with your kids. They are healthy and revitalising