Just in: Makamba succumbs to corona virus
Zimbabwe’s second confirmed case of the corona virus has sadly ended in tragedy. Zororo Makamba, the son of media giant James Makamba is said to have passed away due to the corona virus. Makamba started exhibiting signs of the virus after his return from a New York trip. Mutumwa Mawere tweeted the news
He was immediately admitted at hospital. Zororo had however reportedly held a meeting at Banc ABC on Friday before hitting off local clubs Pabloz and Lush where he was seen sharing some smoke with fellow patrons.
Zororo is said to have had a pre existing condition in which a rumour was removed from his body. He is suspected to have been infected with the virus on his New York trip.
Zimbabwe has been confirmed to have two cases of the covid 19 virus but most people are questioning the authenticity of that statistic. If Makamba came into contact with so many people then the likelihood of him infecting a considerable number of people is high.
People have been advised to self quarantine and to keep social distance. Although most institutions are still open for business in the country, schools and tertiary institutions have since closed. The covid 19 virus has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide with Italy being the worst hit. It broke out in China in Wuhan district.