10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

Sometimes employees get comfortable in workplaces and they feel they can say certain things without suffering the consequences. Everybody has rights and they should be exercised but be careful how you speak to your boss and learn to choose your battles.
Here are ten things that can cost you your job you should never say to you boss.
1. “I need a raise”
Even when you deserve a raise, be careful how you approach the issue. You should never threat your boss by putting a gun on his head. You will lose.
2. “That’s not in my job description”
There are a lot of things that are not in your job description but you still do, like checking your Facebook and twitter every two minutes. It doesn’t hurt you to do that small favor your boss is asking you to do. It shows you’re committed to your job and the growth of the company.
3. “No”
Sometimes it’s necessary to say no at workplaces, again it’s how you say “no” that matters, mind your phrasing and always explain and give an appropriate reason why you’re saying no.
4. “I don’t know”
Yes, you might not have the answers to everything but a direct “I don’t know” will send red flags to your boss. You’re supposed to know your job, rather say you’ll find out more or give your best guess.
5. “I’ll try”
Your boss always counts on you to tackle any assignment given to you, saying you’ll try will leave your boss doubtful and unsure if you’re the perfect fit for the job.
6. “I’ve tried that before”
Make sure you’re certain that the idea won’t work before you shoot it down. If you’ve tried it before give the results that you came out with and be open to more suggestions, your boss might have one in mind.
7. “I’m bored”
No matter how much you love your job, you ‘ll have a weak moment and mention that you’re bored. Just make sure it’s never in front of your boss. You were hired to be productive and stay enthusiastic, it’s your responsibility to make your job fun.
8. “I can’t work with her/him”
Bosses don’t like unnecessary drama in the workplace, you should be someone who is professional enough to set differences aside and get the job done. Be a team player, it’s a requirement for every employee.
9. “How do I benefit from this”
Sometimes your work is going to require you to help others in the office in different departments. Bosses have little to no tolerance to people who aren’t team players. For your advantage, you’ll gain experience and skill in other departments.
10. “I don’t have a solution”
If you want your boss to take you seriously never say to him you don’t have a solution. That’s a reason for concern you’ll give him, rather present possible solutions that might work.