Morgan Tsvangirai Diagnosed With Colon Cancer

Former Prime Minister in the government of national unity and leader of the main opposition MDC party, Morgan Tsvangirai revealed on Monday that he had been diagnosed with Colon cancer .
In a statement, Tsvangirai, who was recently in South Africa for treatment, said the condition had been diagnosed in South Africa where his Zimbabwean doctors had referred him, adding he had started chemotherapy this week.
”On the 8th of May my Zimbabwean doctors referred me to South Africa where further diagnosis revealed that I am suffering from cancer of the colon” he said.
Tsvangirai reportedly said he had taken the decision to reveal his condition as he believed that the health of national leaders, including that of politicians, should not remain a subject for speculation and uncertainty.
”This health condition is unfortunate but can be faced by anyone. I intend to confront this development with a determination to overcome it. In the meantime, let us remain focused on confronting the national crisis that we face,” he added.