10 Words Recruiters Hate To See On Your CV

Writing the perfect CV is not easy, different recruiters look for different things. But there are certain words we love to use that no recruiter wants to see on your CV. Avoid these at all costs if you want a shot at that job. Here are ten words not to use in your CV.

1.Go getter
Although this might be true of you, recruiters hear this every day. Rather say what you have achieved.
2. Career break
It’s best you don’t say that in your CV, it makes the recruiter or interviewer think about what you were doing during this time. If you do, be upfront on why you took the break to remove the focus on it.
3. Team player
Everyone says they are team players to get the job. Rather say “mentored” or “trained” and get straight to the point.
4. Unemployment
Saying you are unemployed when you were not working makes you look like lazy, appear positive by saying you are actively looking for employment.
5. Strategic Thinker
Saying you are a strategic thinker can mean a lot of things, the last thing you want is getting the recruiter confused. It’s advisable to add specific context or just avoid the “main skill” section on your CV.
6. Best of Breed
Your wording in your CV should be simple, describe what makes you the best of breed rather than just claiming it.
7. Disagreement
Never mention in your CV about the disagreements you had with your previous employers. If you left your job because of it don’t state the reason for leaving. If you do, avoid personalizing it.
8. “We”
It might seem like the smart thing to say if you’ve worked in groups or with a team before but the reality is recruiters are more interested in “I” than “we”.
9. Great communicator
Being a great communicator or hard worker are basic skills required from every employer, it’s nothing extraordinary. Instead give concrete examples of your track record.
10. Led
It’s great to state what you individually did or helped achieve but be careful not to come out as cocky. Recruiters want a balance between achievement and humility.