“More people will die” Prophet speaks on Ginimbi farewell party

As party lovers gear up to have the time of their life at the all white party organised as a farewell gig for the late Ginimbi, a bombshell regarding the event has been dropped. Nozipho Ndzukula from South Africa has claimed to have seen in a vision another accident that will take the lives of more than one person. She said the people who are going to die will be part of those travelling to attend the all white party. The prophet has even advised people not to attend the event.
The party is slotted for 14 November 2020 at the late business man’s mansion in Domboshava. Friends, colleagues and business associates are expected to come in their numbers to bid farewell in style to the business man. Ginimbi was the life and soul of partying and had a knack for throwing all white parties. He even held them in various countries and they would always be attended by the cream of high society. His close friend Pokello would always be present.The party will be done on the day of Ginimbi’s burial.
Ginimbi’s death has been shrouded in mystery and speculation with some people questioning the authenticity of his wealth acquisition. There have been rumours on the use of juju while some of his close associates claim the late socialite worked hard for his wealth.
The party to be held in his honour will surely be the event of the year as some have even promised to jet into the country to attend it. Ginimbi had a lot of associates and business partners as well as friends from all over the world.